Monday, July 12, 2010

Arizona's New Gun Law

OK, so I'm sure just like the immigration bill AZ recently passed, everyone has heard about our new gun law that will go into effect come August. This new bill allows anyone over the age of 21 to legally carry a concealed weapon without a permit, essentially; completely restoring the 2nd amendment in the state of Arizona. A lot of the dems are freaking out. Here is what they don't realize: Strict gun laws provided a false sense of security, when you take guns out of the hands of the majoity of the population (I say majority because we all should remember that crimminals will have guns no matter what) you leave the general population who would use these weapons for home defense, recreational shooting, hunting, etc...Completly helpless and vurnurable to gun wielding thugs. In Washington, D.C. several years ago, due to high crime rates, outlawed all guns. Guess what happened. Did the crime rate drastically drop because all the people causing a high crime rate suddenly decide to obey the laws? No!! The crime rate in D.C. rose 183%, a perfect example as to why we should allow citizens to carry a weapon. The bad guys need to be kept on their toes, I think this bill is a great way to fight back at crime. I feel if someone is playing around with the idea of knocking off a convienence store they will think twice, not knowing just how many men or women are carrying a handgun.

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