Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Letting Off Some Steam

OK today I was running some errands and as I headed home from downtown, I noticed how many Mexico license plates I saw. Now granted, I know that some of those were actual people here "visiting" from Mexico, or whatever. Anyways what drives me crazy is that so many Mexican Nationals that are here legally, don't register their vehicle in the U.S.. Now why might that be? Hmm...Maybe because in Mexico they only pay what is equivalent to around ten dollars for a five year plate. How are they able to do this? I suspect because they still have family in Mexico and have an address that they are able to register the vehicle to. Now anyone who has ever crossed the border in a vehicle knows that you must present proof of insurance when entering the U.S. But who is to say what kind of policy was purchased? I mean you can buy insurance for six months at a time, but say they do payments, and miss one, oh yeah bye bye insurance. So now we have a Mexican National steering a 3000lb missile down our highway with no insurance. What happens when they have an at-fault accident and injure someone? All they have to do is make it away from the scene(if they too are not severely injured) and scoot back to Mexico. Then they are able to escape any charges for crimes they would be suspected of, escape any and all financial liabilities, and then cause all of us American's insurance premiums to go up because now we have to file an uninsured driver claim!! Maybe SB1070 will help with this, they don't want to be pulled over, maybe they'll register their cars in the U.S., I mean it would be a little less conspicuous. Think of how much more money the border states would make off of registration! Just food for thought...Until next time

- Me

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